Tell me about yourself?
Tell me about your project?
What are the different features of oops?
What is Design Pattern? Describe some design patterns with example.
What is singelton Class? Write a code for it.
What is dynamic polymorphism? Write a code for explanation.
What is reflection mechanism in java?
What is CompiletimeException/CheckException and RuntimeException/UncheckedException?
What is static binding/Early binding and dynamic binding/late binding? Show by code.
What is the difference between ArrayList and LinkedList?
(mainly during insertion, deletion or traverse which is more used)
What are the new features Java7 & Java8?
What are the uses of marker interface? What are the different types avaialable for marker interface ?
What are the different type of cloning u used and when ?
What are the different way to create a thread object? write a code to create it.
What are Association, aggregation and composition in Java?
What are differences available for abstract classes and interface?
What is Deadlock,startvation and inter thread communication in java?
What are differences available for HashMap & HashTable?
What is the difference between synchronized block and synchronized method?
What is fail safe and fail fast?
Have you used any static code analysis tools?
Have static code analysis tools will improve performance? (JLint, Sonar and CheckStyle)
Have you done remote debugging? What is your debugging strategy if a production issue come?
What are the uses of volatile and transient variables in java?
What are the differences between differences ways of creating String object?
What are the different ways for garbage collection?
What are the differences between heap and stack memory?
What is the difference between Comparable and Comparator interface?
How HashMap internally works?
How can you sort the employee object on the basis of thier salary ?
How HashSet internally uses HashMap?
How Map & set being iterated?
How can you handle exception during method overriding?
How can you implement your own LinkedList/HashMap in java?
How can i reverse the one array using same array only?
How can i find the duplicate numbers available in any array ?
How can i sort one array using single iteration?
How can i found the 2nd highest number from an array in single iteration?
How will you manage producer and consumer problems? How can you prevent deadlock in java?
How dead lock is different from race conditions
How do you improve performance of an application?
How conscious you were with security issues while coding?
How a bad program can cause security threat?
How can i throw or catch an exception?
how to find that is there is any consecutive repeating characters within a string?
How and which sort algorithm you would use for sorting a char array?
How bitly shortens the URLs ?
How do you delete a node in Binary Search Tree?
How to write a code that causes deadlock?
How would you implement your own thread pool in java?
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