Thursday, 8 December 2016

Angular JS Frequently asked questions

What is the difference between ng-show and ng-if ?

what are the different ways to share the data across multiple controllers ?

What are difference between controller and directives ?

What are the best features so we love to use angular apart from other js framework ?

What is difference between filter and service ?

What are the different type of scope you used inside angular ?

What is promise, watch, digest, apply, timeout and $q inside angular ?

What are the use of route & state in angular ?

can i use 2 different module inside same application ?

What Single page application means actually for which i'm using angular js ?

What is the difference between $scope and $rootScope ?

How we can write success & error within $http call to communicate within any methods ?

What is the difference between ng-paginate and ng-repeat ?

What is the difference when using ng-click and anchor href ?

What are the uses of restrict in angular js and how many types of restriction are in use ?

when we use query param to share data between multiple controller ?

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